It's spin.
The bible was written by men. Fact.
Cognitive bias tells you that the bible is from God, so the FACT that it was written by men MUST be the best thing. So we invent a reason WHY it must be the best thing.
Imagine if the boot was on the other foot. The bible has been/claimed to be written by angels. What would we all be commenting on at the meetings? Our bias would tell us that since the bible is from God then that must be the best thing. We'd say that it's a good job he didn't get humans to write it all down, it'd be full of errors and inconsistencies. We'd say how could humans ever properly convey the grandeur and majesty of the heavenly visions of ezekiel and revelation? We'd slag off other holy books for being written by humans.
It's SPIN, to support our BIAS.